Italia Unione Europea Viaggiare liberi

How to Move to Italy from the UK

If you are thinking about moving to Italy from the UK, there are several things you need to keep in mind. Every visa type has its own set of reuqirements, and obtaining Schengen visas can be difficult if you are not aware of what documentation you need.

After Brexit, all the United Kingdom individuals looking to relocate to Italy have to get visas unlike before when they were part of the EU and were not required to apply for visas while traveling to any Schengen state. Anyways, here are the different visa types that you can apply for if you are trying to move from the UK to Italy.

Different Italy Visas

There are many different visas that you can apply to move to Italy. Moreover, if you need help, you can always contact immigration lawyers Newcastle to learn more about your specific visa type and to get help with the application in order to make sure your visa application is complete and your visa route is accurate to avoid getting your visa rejected. Below are types of visas that you can apply for.

    • Work Visa: The Italy work visa is for British nationals who have already got a job offer in Italy and want to work in Italy.
  • Study Visa: The Italy student visa is for British nationals who have acquired admission in the Italian universities or other institutes and want to study in Italy.
  • Self-Employment Visa: The Italy self-employment visa is for British nationals who are either entrepreneurs or businessmen looking to start their own business or freelance work in Italy.
  • Family Visa: The Italy Family Visa is for British nationals who already have their family members in Italy. The family member present in Italy should have permanent residency or Italian citizenship for the British national to apply under this visa.
  • Retirement Visa: The Italy retirement visa is for British nationals who can support themselves financially without needing to work in Italy.

You must remember that all these visas have different requirements and you have to apply for all the visas at the Italian Embassy present in Italy.

Getting a Residence Permit

If you are planning for a long stay in Italy then you will need an Italian Residence Permit. This Permission to Stay (Permesso di Soggiorno), is a requirement for all who need to stay for a longer time in Italy to join their family or for study or work. There is a very strict requirement to apply for the residency permit within 8 days of entering the country. 

Here’s what you need to do: 

  • Obtain an application package from the local post office.
  • Complete your kit and get a Marca Da Bollo Stamp from a tabaccheria and attach it to the application.
  • Submit the application kit and your supporting documents back to the Sportello Amico counter. Do not close the envelope or sign the application before submission as it will be checked and then you have to finalize it.
  • After submitting the application you will be provided with an appointment date at the Questura (the police headquarters). You will have a temporary residency permit till your appointment and the appointment will be within one or two months after submission of application kit.
  • Then you will have to attend your appointment and bring all the original documents, your appointment confirmation letter, and the receipt from the Sportello Amico counter. The Questura will take fingerprints and might ask some questions and then will give you your permanent Italian Residence Permit.


When you will be applying for the Italian Residence Permit, you will have to submit a few common documents along with some supporting documents. 

You’re going to need:

  • A valid passport.
  • Four passport size photographs.
  • Documents stating the reason for your stay in Italy that might include a school enrollment letter or work permit.
  • Proof of private health insurance

Permanent Residence Italy

For permanent residency in Italy as British nationals you should be living in Italy for at least five years, should have enough money to show that you can support yourself financially, are fluent in Italian language and have no criminal record.

Golden Visa Scheme

Another great way is a golden visa scheme which is a citizenship or residency through investment. A purchase of real estate will not get you this visa but an investment in a business can. 

Here are your options, You can invest in:

  • Italian Republic issues government bonds.
  • A minimum of €1 million in an Italian business that meets specific requirements set by the Italian government.or  €500,000 in an innovative startup.
  • Or in a donation which is eligible in fields like education, culture, science, etc. The donation should be philanthropic.